Riding crop orgasms'

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Carol here - I know I don't look as beautiful as some of these women, but I am just a bored wife.
I would like to trade videos and pictures of what my husband took and what I took of myself for a face pick. I've been an exhibitionist since I was 16, and my husband does not know this side of me. So, on my videos, I have...
1.me taking a shower
2.me driving my car naked
3.me masturbating / which my husband never saw me do
4.around house naked
5.outdoors naked and in stockings and garter
6.having sex
All I ask is anything I send you keep to yourself....don't repost...send a face pic for vids I like to see who is looking at me.

Posted in: Milf Tags: wife, milf, exhibitionist
Comments (9)
Wow so hot sexy woman 😍 Yummy hairy pussy
I would love to eat you and drink your cum while you cream in my mouth...never have I seen a woman that turns me on more than you
Oh god what a hot video!! I could watch that over and over!!
You made me so hard listening to you and watching you orgasm.
Excellent vid wouldn’t mind a session with you
so hot please do show us more
Wow, so hot!!!
I love watching you take and love your anal insertion. Super hot.
That looks very hot and sounds much hotter