Pokies and Pussy in the Park

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Many of you enjoyed the pics and videos at er park with me wearing beige sweater and nylons. Now we’ll try the darker colours.
BTW, my caution doesn’t come from fear of being seen, it’s more like trying not to expose myself in front of a public school class out for a nature walk. On the other side of the coin, some creeps and pervs that make dumbass comments/suggestions probably are more likely not allowed to be in places children play, so this concept would be foreign to you!
Comments (6)
Hey Critter, I believe the last paragraph above in my description of the video explains what you and other pervs would say, in an instance such as this.
And dumb! My excuse…. I got naked by accident….. in a public park!!!
your so sexy looking , you shouldn't be scared to be seen even bye accident
Shame no one poked your pussy at the park
OK I uploaded a profile picture. Am I allowed to comment now. Like your movies
Such a Sweet Sexy Lady..
You are always sexy,and eaven more in a park!