Living room floor blowjob

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Amateur Couple Films Their Moments.
Posted in: Real Sex Tags: homemade, pov, blowjob
Comments (12)
Wow! What a passionate blow job
She is such a pretty women with fantastic skills, great vid
Video's trickling through now. Check back for new clips, I apologize for their shortness. These were never taken with the intent to share or be of any particular cinematic value. Enjoy! Again thank you everyone for the super thoughtful comments. Glad I'm not the only one in awww of her style and talent for sucking my cock.
Shes a Good candidate for a split roasting
Going to post several more clips from her. She's a cock goddess whisperer. Haha!
She damn near brings a tear to my eye with the level of attention, passion and just downright love to my cock. Some woman have it and some never will. All the little nuances, combined forming the perfect blowjob, it is something that has always amazed me. The effects can be equal to that of a powerful drug sometimes. I also love it when a woman also has the gift of intuition, like their reading your mind in real time through your cock in their mouth. The moment you think it, she switches her technique, or her speed, using all the tricks in her archive of what you like and so thoughtfully remembering those things. Damn, I could go on all day. Blowjobs are just the best.
Absolutely loved it 🥰
Dam she knows how to suck would love to watch her ride up close
Splendid, very hot!!!……great video!……thank you
Excellent action on mine next