why i got married

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to this guy, because we're about to have sex and be says 'i wanna lick it" i know he's not trying to be funny but it cracks me up lol, that and he wasn't kidding. I'm not sure if it's just cause i got older or what but the guys i slept with in high school/colllege -and there are a healthy number-none of those dudes bought their a game like this and i don't know if other people's men fuck like him, i mean i guess they must, so i guess i just dated some real lazy immature guys. do you dudes learn this from porn or do you just learn on girls like me then once you're not awful you go after the girl you want to marry?

deep thoughts, real questions!
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: amateur, couple, fucking, rough, sex, big, tits, big, ass
Comments (5)
Great video
You can tell he is out to please you first and foremost! I think a lot of guys could learn some fucking skills from him (myself included!!)!
Any vids of you riding him?
Great !!!
Not sure... I learned to love eating pussy and fucking like crazy in high school. Wrong girl for the long run as we had nearly nothing in common but sex and the desire to experiment (A LOT). My wife is my favorite partner in the world! For me, I'm willing to do anything to get her off. It doesn't hurt that she does anal. ;)
As a male who is married to the wrong person I will tell you that sex IS one of the most important aspects of relationship. Everyone says you don’t marry for sex but I totally disagree. The person who meets you at that most vulnerable and passionate moment in life IS the most important person in your life. Fuck organized religion that is out to control everyone and understand that we are on this planet in this point in time to enjoy what being a human has to offer. Indulge and relish the beauty of finding a person who fulfills your desires. So awesome for you both!!!