ABHCvery nice, love the moans and the wide open slut hole, Need to shave it bald to be even more sexy, this way the wax gets right to the skin next time. May I add for what it is worth, would be a pleasure to see her fuck the bed post, they look ready for some wet sexy pussy lips.
RUNT80Bring the candle closer to her pussy it will be warmer. Switch between her cunt and tits. Make her even hornier!!. Keep her legs spread so she can't stop the drips.
BbwspankerImagine her surprise blindfolded there when she realises I’ve join you in the bedroom and hears my pleasure moan 🤤😵
Johndoer99At the moment you are right. We have been doing Loctober (ie chastity for me during October) and it may go longer. She hasn’t had any D for a month