very exciting experiments with bare clitoris and female genitalia

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at the beginning you can see how the vaginal muscles twitch when I touch the exposed clitoris with my tongue, it's interesting, the next attempt is to suck the clitoris with different tubes to achieve its displacement from the vulva and increase its sensitivity and swelling, then it's time to pump the whole woman external genitalia, where the labia and the entire vulva visibly swell and the woman masturbates to orgasm, and eventually orgasms me too
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: pussy, penis, amater, sex
Comments (6)
Fantastic action and video. Its nice to see your lust.
Nothing more erotic then pumped clits, pussy and nipples
which one stimulated her the most?
What a sweet pussy and clitt,. a little bit hairy but so eatable, that dweet little clit looks perfect to suck and lick
I want some hands-on time, but the video is quite helpful
Mmmm she has a very nice pussy.
Love it all pumped up and wet.