Wife teasing her bf

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I made a gift to my wife, we're going to celebrate new year in Dubai from December 28th to January 18th, but I'll fly back home on January 5th for my work and my gift is, her regular bf will come to her on January 5th and she will have longer vacation with him. She was so happy when she was in Greece with him last time and I think it'll be a good gift. He paid the apartment already and I bought a ticket for him. I know he already sent her some money to buy sexy underwear for him. She already counted when her period will be gone. Her period will finish on January 7th and she took this video to tease him and told him what she will do with him first two days non stop.
Posted in: Asian Tags: asian, hotwife, cock, sucker, slut
Comments (11)
She is smoking hot
Non stop is a lot of sucking and/or fucking! I'm sure there will have to be breaks for eating, showering, etc.
Mmmmm this is making my cock hard
Beautiful! I’d love to see her taking care of the boyfriend next!
Wouldn’t mind a session with her very sexy and fuckable
Wow! Very cute and sexy!
Her bf is in for a real treat!
Sounds like the bf is in for a good holiday 🔥🍆
Sounds like a lot of fun.
love the way she sucks cock