Yoko getting hammered hard (Super Retro 2009)

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Yoko was always fun to pump. And one day after 2 years of excitement, she was snatched up by my good friend, who joined us for MFM regularly. Since, they are happily married and live abroad ❤️
Posted in: Asian Tags: japan, stockings, asian, hotel
Comments (8)
Does her husband share her now that she is married??
If they are in the U.S I’d love to play with her.
Looks like she was a lot of fun.
Yes, as one horny voyeur pointed out, Yoko was on her period that day. I have pumped all girls during their period. They are very sensitive and once the barrier is lifted, it's so much fun ❤️
Sieht nach einem echt geilen Fick aus. 😍
I see a stream of bl**d running down over her ass, was she having her period or what?
I want to spread those round mounds of fuckable ass cheek and party in her tight puckered meaty asshole for days. Hell, I'll fuck his asshole too
Does she still offer her pussy out to other men since marriage?