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So hubby invites you over for drinks & chat, & introduces you as his new buddy.

Later in the evening you see me walking
around the house like this in just my
nightrobe & heels (what would you be

I join in & also have a few drinks & before we know it, we are all getting on really
well & having a great time. At some point
the conversation turns to a sexual nature &
banter, about what you's would like to do to
me in my bathrobe & heels (what would you
be saying?)

After even more drinks, things get physical
& we all head up stairs, which is where the
fun starts. Hubby stops at the bottom of the
stairs & asks if you would llike to go first, as he would like to just watch us fotr now...what would you do to me like this?
Posted in: Milf Tags: milf, heels, ass, pussy
Comments (8)
Spectacular! I would enjoy every inch of her body, and she would enjoy it even more!
Start licking your thighs, slowly working my way higher…
Splendid, very Hot lady!…great Ass!…thank you
How you don’t mind my beard between your thighs
I could put my tongue there for a while.
spank that ass before fucking it
Dream cum true

I would anything to make u explode
The TOTAL package ❤️😛