How to get me to do whatever you want

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I realize the chances that I ever actually meet anybody seeing this here is probably pretty slim but just in case I figured I’d let you know how to get me willing to do anything your fantasies can imagine. Having my ass grabbed, smacked and most importantly ate is my favorite thing on the planet. Drives me nuts and as these guys found out, you won’t hear me say the word no after.
Posted in: Gay Tags: smooth, gay, oral
Comments (5)
more 69 please
Yeah, you can get me to do pretty much anything by eating my ass. Either gender is welcome to dine on my hole.
Fuck yes…this is so hot. Love the bald guy with the long white beard eating your ass…he looks exactly like the first guy I ever played with back in my early 20s. He also ate my ass and sucked my cock like there was no tomorrow…one of the best blowjobs I ever had.
So hot
Such a hot little slut....