Sound, fuck, squirt

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Older vid and not the best quality but lots of fun
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: fuck, sound, squirt, cock, milf, mature
Comments (8)
Mmmmmmmm damn wanna slap my cock on your pussy
my turn next!
There's not a thing that excites me more than penetrating my partner as she's cumming all over my shaft. That was a sweet second .......
still horny babe mm
LOVE seeing you and Hubs fuck! RAZ MA TAZ!
Can you two do that at the end of the bed so I can lay on the floor waiting for every last drop to trickle down from her bung bung? I love to drink female cum!!!!!
And there was me thinking, why on earth is her not going down on her and savouring all that delicious juice ouzing and squirting from your incredible pussy and then during the last minute he does!! He's a man after my own heart D!! Loved it! LYXX!
You read my mind!!!