Bat girl rides again

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She always love to get fucked with the baseball bat get her off every time
Comments (14)
you should try this on a very hot day put it in the freezer for just a little while then put it it in her vagina to cool her off but be careful not to freeze burn her.
BadDog - yes, thanks, I got a bit carried away there...I agree with your comments although I don't find the thought of a loose and sloppy vag appealing, I do like the insertion of large and unusual objects into them.
papajon - could be as simple as that, either way who cares as long as you both enjoy it and keep posting it for the rest of us pervs to see, thanks.
horny but needs sound
Easybeast, settle down. This is sex, not philosophy. Some women like to push their limits, and some guys get off on the thought that their woman is loose and sloppy.
now you're talking!!! I knew that sunscreen didn't do that to her.
then again eastbeast it could be that she just like getting her pussy stretched out and likes getting fucked with a baseball bat
Another thought occurred to me whilst at work today, a lot of Women like to feel that the Man is the Man in the relationship, a bit of subconscious dominance if you will. This could also explain why some Women like to either allow their Man to 'abuse' them or abuse themselves in order to please their Man.
To a lesser extent this could include being fucked in the missionary and doggy positions., as opposed to making love in those positions.
East beast I will tell u this.........I'm a perv basted but she knew this when she married me
I like. To eastBeast I'll run with the last comment!
Susyque - it is a strange dichotomy of the male mind that simultaneously wants to see and to insert large objects into a vagina, but then complains that same vagina is too large or too loose.
Couple that with the subconscious desire to see females subjugated and punished simply because they are female, and there is your motivation.
Or we are all just pervy bastards!
Never will understand what is so neat to be able to fuck something that big! Things that big hurt, not feel good to us! Don't like giving birth that much! Lol
now that is what I call a perfect pussy