Drunk wife

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Met this guy when hubby and I went out to bar one night. After several drinks I knew I wanted to fuck him. I sent hubby across the street to get us a Motel room and while he was gone we were making out with everyone watching. When hubby came back and we all left together everyone in the bar knew I was going to get his blaack cock and I loved it.
Comments (7)
Once a white slut whore for BBC ALWAYS a slut whore for BBC
That is my biggest dream to film and watch wife taking a big cock. frigin hot ..
you are such a slut and I love it. Wish I had the guts to do that
How can you not like this vid ! 10++++
this abe is hot 10+
you sexy fuck slut, mmmmmmm
fkn hot vid and story! mmm 10++