Shorty cougar

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Sometimes, when you're drunk, you do stupid shit. What can ya do? She said all the right words: tits, pussy, ass. Not sure I could have resisted the chance to ass ram a bitch with a decent body even if I was sober... but the face on this chick isn't up to par at all.
Posted in: Anal Tags: anal, bbw, breast
Comments (12)
I see what your sayin, thats one ugly tart, i usually ask em to wear masks.
i would fuck her
where did you find her? I want a ride next.
you are stupid egotist.... To be unkind in your comments to a beautiful woman is shameful. I hope you will regret this post in the future and learn to behave like a gentleman, you tosspot
I know a lot of better looking women who don't fuck anywhere near this good. I will take her anytime.
You should be ashamed for dissing her. Anyone who fucks like this is welcome in my bedroom and on my cock.
Hard to see their face when they are face down taking cock up their shit hole.
She does have great tits.
I loved it, including her wonderful, lust filled, ecstatic, face.. you (we) should be so lucky!! donna* 10fav
Love your vids, the jungle drums were hilarious! I'm gonna have to try that!
10+++++ and she was really a good fuck from the little I saw!
always love your vids..keep them cumming