Eating my girl

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We were a bit messed up but you should check this out, its agreat clip
Posted in: Pussy eating Tags: pussyeating, couple, closeup
Comments (9)
horny sexy bloke x 10/10
Pussy and wine are a great combination. Good job.
Looks tasty mmmm
thank you
Audio alone is freakin awesome!
I bet that pussy tastes mighty fine, especially after its been fucked a couple of times. Lets slide both our cocks into her cunt at once and rub them together till we both cum--then eat her out! I'll lick it and then you lick it while I lick you! Not cum left in any of us when we are done!
great for a start, i can't wait to see more
Great to see a woman hold the camera and show us her perspective.... Judging by the way he devours you, you must have a very tasty pussy. Maybe it should be awarded a star in the Michelin Restaurant guide. (lol) .... But please: Do continue posting your vids, you're a hot couple.
maybe next time try to use a Sony Steadyshot ;-))
Great post, good to see you had fun!