deusexmachinaThe amount of time spent contriving such contraptions might be better utlised brushing up on the old people skills and going out and possibly even scoring a girlfriend.
DirtyDaddy82love it, dont know what it is exactly, but looks fun
hawkerkShowed wife the vid-wow thanks did we have fun.She doesn t like the idea she could be replaced by a machine-and I was just joking.WOW again.I gave it a 10 what a motivator
sixthreesevenWell...when they say 'Tool Hire', they don't quite....mean.......
I suppose the next step will be a Wankel engine device huh? :oj
maxycam82also vielen dank für die ganzen bewertungen. macht ruhig weiter so. wer wünsche hat einfach mich anschreiben. (bademeister1. warum schwul??? steht das bei mir im profil??? )ich bin weder schwul noch bi. steh nur auf frauen.
I suppose the next step will be a Wankel engine device huh? :oj
great job :-)