omh44Careful. A condom should go on anything going in pussy. It might be unsanitary without one on.
There is more of a risk of injury during anal sex compared to vaginal sex.
Just be careful with anal. I would suggest that a condom goes on anything going in ass...and don't go from ass and then to pussy or mouth...don't want an infection! Also, you can still transfer hpv and other stds even with a condom but it's less likely with one on.
madmike69i wanna lick that all up off that pretty lilasshole
Mr_Anal@ scippy...wer noch nicht mal selber ein Profil hat sollte mal hinsichtlich irgendwelchen komischen "Fake" Andeutungen schön die Fresse halten!!!
Wizard5kGet some good lube and go slow. It'll open up.
scippyFAKE.....FILM Titel ist "Ich bin jung und brauche das geld"
franz1959schade mit den saft häst du ihm ihr reindrücken müssen
das ist aus einem Pornofilm,ich habe ihn in voller Länge...-10
KittypussyBeautiful cunt and a sweet little asshole to fuck, too!! As a bi t-girl, I've had my times with ass-fucking, and I know that Tina would love it!! Make sure there's plenty of lube (natural or KY stuff) and sink your pretty cock all the way in! If she doesn't dig it...I'm ready!!!
There is more of a risk of injury during anal sex compared to vaginal sex.
Just be careful with anal. I would suggest that a condom goes on anything going in ass...and don't go from ass and then to pussy or mouth...don't want an infection! Also, you can still transfer hpv and other stds even with a condom but it's less likely with one on.
das ist aus einem Pornofilm,ich habe ihn in voller Länge...-10