Dinner Sex and Movie

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My second time with JBandLolita. I didn't know about the video camera but I liked it. They had me over for a very nice holiday meal and he and I masturbated with her after dinner. She got very hot and wanted to be fucked so JB let me take her to bed and fuck her. He surprised us and told us to stop and get ready to go to a movie. By the time the movie was over she was insatiable from us playing with her pussy at the theater and demanded that we fuck her. We traded off in the back seat with her on the way back to their house. It is the first time I came in pussy that was already full of cum. She is amazing.
Posted in: Wifelovers Tags: wife, sex, latina, wifelovers
Comments (1)
I am happy you enjoyed it. I did too. By-the-way, our car smells like nasty pussy and sperm! Kisses