Daddys Home 17-02-27preview

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Would you like to suck me while I ride dildo?
Posted in: Anal Tags: anal, ass, gape, dildo, mastrubation
Comments (4)
You are the man!!!!
wow! how big is this thing?!
ohhh so hot love a ride
OOOOOOOHH Daddy are YOU ever HOME!!!! I need to be under YOU as YOUR driving YOUR toy HOME. LOVE LOVE LOVE watching YOU play. Hell I would carry if YOU didn't CUM while doing this. All I know is I want YOUR COCK in my mouth squirting or not. LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR whole AWESOMELY SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SUPER SEXY BODY. LOVE to be licking as SEXY SEXY BIG well stretched ASSHOLE. Do know I could never take that much toy in my ASSHOLE right now. But have had so big COCKS squirt in my Bi ASS from time to time.