Sexy vocal sex

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My young playmate always made the absolute sexiest noises when we wouldnt film, some kind of mental block I guess (although she is very sexy even when she knows!) So, I snuck the camera out when I had her face buried in the pillow so she wouldnt know shw was being taped! (Sneaky devil i know!)
Posted in: Amateur Sex Tags: action, closeup, couple
Comments (6)
you people are hot fuckers. i want to slide into her twat my big fat dick.
You guys are really hot but dam whats up with the tv in the backround. Is this the way it is when you have kinds? you have to cover the noise? My only guess. We don't have kids so we fuck like there is no tomorrow making all the noise we want!
Great stuff! Hearing Dale from King of the Hill made it kind of strange however! LOL!
You should get her together with your wife!
hot vid guys
nice fuck!! she is a keeper!!