Midwest wife of 10 yrs - first video

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I've been lucky to record several of our sexual adventures. I've had a knack for taking pictures, but never had much luck with video. This is the best I could find that is private, yet hot enough to show. I shot a wonderful load at the end inside of her. She is an amazing wife and woman! Enjoy!
Posted in: Wifelovers Tags: wifelovers, pussy, fucking
Comments (14)
Very hot, love taht ride!!!!!!!!!
mmmm complimenti una bella scopata, una fantastica modella pronta a saltare in groppa

mmmm compliments a good fuck, a fantastic model ready to jump on his back
Beautiful shot of her ass and pussy! Love seeing your long cock slide in and out of her! Let me slide my tongue up in her while you fuck and cum a big load in her! No cum will be left in either of you if I get the chance to eat it!
Amazing is the word that I would describe the beautiful woman too.
Very hot..... Has she ever asked for a threeway? If interested I would cladly take your place on bottom. While you pleased the chocolate starfish
Very Sexy...well done.....
A beautiful couple. Nice fuck, but you have to stick the pole all the way into her so that your balls slap her cunt and ass. Just the head and coronal ring entrance doesn't do the 2 of you justice.
Thanx for posting! Would love to see some video of her toying her pussy,
My mistake....I thought she didn't know she was being shot on video...my bad...sorry
Video was good. Please keep posting. Maybe you should tell her.... she might let you do more
nice cock, she has a great ass, love to see more of her body, love to be as you were underneather her feeding her mmm, keep up the good work show soem titties next time please
Beau et sexy video,
Very nice video, POV, but lets see you stick that big cock all the way into that sweet pussy of hers....It looks like she can take it.