Purple double ended dildo wife seeks girl for the other end of the dildo

The other day while I was at work the wife went off the the adult book store in search for a new toy or two. When she got home she thought she would send a few pictures to tease me. What I didn't expect is that she wants to find another girl to fuck her while I watch. That alone made my day! Not to mention that she got a double ended dildo in her favorite color so that when she finds the girl she will be a little prepared to play. So if you are a girl or a couple that loves to break in a new girl on some girl on girl action and are close to the east bay near the San Francisco Bay Area please contact us. Also as always please leave comments and if you have a request we enjoy making those come true also.
Comments (9)
Looks like a bundle of fun to be had here.... nice
Love to fuck you with it and use the balls up that ass so you can squeal like the slut you are
I am sure that my Mrs would love to be on the other end and share. :)
Mmm lov to meet u in adult store n fuck u in a booth. Mike
nice pussy....toys are always fun...
Mhhhhhhhhhh....would love to lick your hot pussy...
Thumping my cock on my mouse pad patiently waiting to see her ass to ass with a GF, that purple cock between them, watching thier pussies sliding back n forth on it,bunz grinding against bunz as they melt all over it.
When that happens, I do so hope you share the pics with us.
Sexy pics!