Masturbation and toys have been around since the beginning of time. This is an activity that has kept people happy for years. Masturbation is when a person stimulates their sexual organs manually. It can also be the manual stimulation of another’s genitals. There are millions that masturbate on a regular basis, sometimes daily because it helps to satisfy their need for sexual release. Toys are toys for the adults to play with. There are many different types of toys that one can purchase but none as popular as a dildo. A dildo is an object that is shaped like an erect penis and used for sexual pleasure. Dildos weren’t always purchased nor were the purchases wildly accepted. Those that did purchase one did so under the guise that it was a marital aid. In today’s society, mixing masturbation and toys together have kept many couples together. These couples are able to masturbate with one another. The pleasure it brings is something that can’t be replicated. As couples begin to play with their partners during a time they are masturbating and using a toy, they normally learn what they like and can do it for themselves. Those that are single no longer have to marry in order to find physical pleasure. These unmarried individuals are able to masturbate in the comfort of their home, when they want to. There are some that use toys during their solo masturbation sessions. Toys are made to be played with, alone or with a partner.