commented on Playwife36's upload

Man You were blessed with a beautiful cock It would be a shame not to share that with as many women as possible I'd love to watch my wife riding that huge pole some day

likes nudistcouple61's upload

11 img
Views: 7486 Commt: 65
Just a few more of me eating my babe, and fucking her. She is 15 yrs younger and the tightest lady I've ever been in. Hope you all enjoy. As always, comments are welcome.

likes foxbat263's upload

1 video
Views: 4808 Commt: 41
When hubby wants a blowjob and I don't want to deep throat, this is a good way to make us both happy... he satisfies me at the same time, I control his cock, and he still gets to cum in my mouth. :) Doesn't work as well if he's extremely hard (or with our large friend for that matter since I can barely get him in my mouth), but this time was perfect!