commented on curiouscaution's upload
5 img
Views: 14439 Commt: 202
This is what happens when I'm all alone in my hotel room with only a cell phone camera. I'm bored.
You won't be bored in my town if we cross paths, mmm mmmm.. we'd need to trade snacks, and bang to exhaustion honey!
commented on jojoblows's upload
mmm, I can see why its a hall of famer, you are a lucious goddess indeed.. Lovely pics!!! fly here to my abode with your wings, lovely angel!
commented on his own upload
6 img
Views: 1011 Commt: 2
So its my first post, break out the champ, and let'st throw a party!! Anyway, these are introductory pics and I can only get one of them at a time on my profile. So other than looking like a dork possibly, Hope you can comment or message me.. Say or ask me anything :)
Thanks for the welcomes!
commented on MadameM's upload
Love the target circles addition, those 6's and 8's are just as hot to prime as the bullseye 10 in my opinion! wonderful pics girl