likes haileykins's upload
![First Post <3](https://t.accdn.net/7U/NG/zt/Nb/Q7.jpg)
7 img
Views: 15961 Commt: 301
Had a lot of fun taking these, don't be afraid to tell me what you think!
commented on OldAssPussy's upload
![Just some pics](https://t.accdn.net/18/76/54/U7/71.jpg)
7 img
Views: 101278 Commt: 951
A few pics I took at a couple abandoned houses with my laptop's webcam. Don't consider this"art" or myself as a "milf" (lol) but I was required to pick three tags.
Love this post!
commented on marianitaSexy's upload
![My second post](https://t.accdn.net/eO/Am/8U/ia/ze.jpg)
9 img
Views: 13115 Commt: 199
Do you like them?
If I reach 200 comments and 400 likes, I'll post a vid ;)
If I reach 200 comments and 400 likes, I'll post a vid ;)
Mmm, soft, milky skin, pert and touchable tits, erect nipples... Perfection at its finest! Please post more!