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amizade commented on cazbrewster's upload
Girls having Fun
1 video
Views: 120390  Commt: 96
Fun time after a hard days work
amizade  electric tongue ;)
amizade commented on cazbrewster's upload
Fun with a Crap Camera
1 video
Views: 73137  Commt: 86
this was a while back.
my room mate stretches her pussy to the limit...I thought at one stage , her pussy was going to swallow the whole thing.
amizade  she is beauty
amizade commented on enlist's upload
My horny Wife with her Lover
1 video
Views: 17224  Commt: 47
My Wife fucks with one of her Lovers in front of my Eyes.
I am proud about my Wife.
Enjoy the Video like I do enjoy the reality
amizade  outro corno manso!!
amizade commented on marknor's upload
Show me what u would put in me
8 img
Views: 6386  Commt: 45
I wanted him to fill me up with whatever hopr u like
amizade  Where's the bottle? this is magic ...
amizade commented on TashaAlex's upload
Which hole do you prefer?
9 img
Views: 24954  Commt: 334
We need help filling one of my other holes? One lucky person that leaves a comment will get picked to help out :) You never know it might be you....
amizade  The warmer. as you prefer
amizade is now friends with Conchi
amizade commented on MrandMrsNail's upload
The Nails' glory hole fantasy
1 video
Views: 46051  Commt: 222
Mr gets turned on by glory holes, Mrs does not want sticky knees....... the solution?
Make your own..... Cock In The Box .

Has this ever been your fantasy?
SIt back and imagine.................
Comments Encouraged
Mr & Mrs Nail
amizade  well done
amizade commented on TomandNora's upload
More of Nora my wife loving bbc
9 img
Views: 28072  Commt: 75
We are so happy to see all the postive comments so here is more of Nora with her black lovers over the years....
amizade  corno manso...
amizade commented on Daydream's upload
Close-up, Fucking and Sucking
1 video
Views: 9461  Commt: 50
What a nice Close-up Sucking
amizade  she knows...
amizade commented on frenchup's upload
Juices of anticipation
1 video
Views: 48192  Commt: 187
After two minutes to catch the juices to tile
amizade  that's a goooooooooodddd juice!!!!!
amizade commented on ManOfMistery's upload
Big pussy, huge clit...
1 video
Views: 59543  Commt: 325
She even fucks herself with her own clit.
amizade  Isso é mais um caralhinho!!!!
amizade commented on Claradenoche's upload
Into my ass
4 img
Views: 13993  Commt: 96
I know you want me, so let's do it!
amizade  Muy guapa!! ;)
amizade commented on MrandMrsNail's upload
Mrs Nail Sucks Cock
1 video
Views: 268416  Commt: 306
Greetings everyone.
Mrs uses her hot mouth for your viewing pleasure.
Positive Comments Welcomed. Mr & Mrs Nail
amizade  I wish a wife like you
amizade commented on facialqueen's upload
Here it cums!!
1 video
Views: 138209  Commt: 221
The money shot
amizade  I wish a wife like you
amizade commented on gantaki's upload
Messy finale
12 img
Views: 34754  Commt: 144
The culmination of our first ever photo shoot for th internet with requests , thankyou all for the greatfun we had and intend on keeping having , my pussy was so wet , he slipped in easily as you can see , then eased into my arse for some lovely deep anal before finishing off in my willing pussy which i then played with as requested , dripped on the sheets then licked up ... mmmmmmm , you have made me find my dirty side and things will get wild .... , to all the people we chat with a big thankyou and to those who we havent yet got round to , we will though its hard when you want to chat at the same time , we like to give our attention one at a time and are not ignoring you , please understand , messaging a req and pic is an easty way to catch our attention , i love tribute pics especially , let us know what you think , always eager to learn x
amizade  nice vagina
amizade commented on thirsty69's upload
A very thirsty girl
1 video
Views: 11853  Commt: 36
She was very thirsty and swallowed every drop!!
amizade  sick people drinking piss
amizade commented on 1CDawg's upload
Top shelf pussy
4 img
Views: 6638  Commt: 14
We be cumming!!!!!
amizade  Indeed!! as in shown #4 the site,, has nice girls
amizade commented on sirchie's upload
Who really like this?
1 video
Views: 8288  Commt: 91
So who really likes. Some volunteer to receive this cum with me??
amizade  I like them tighter and not as a cave
amizade commented on wifeforothers's upload
Wife sucking her African bulls hung cock
1 video
Views: 48441  Commt: 28
Wife sucking her African Bulls Hung Cock...the biggest she had so far...
amizade  E tu ofereces assim a tua mulher??? Gostas mesmo de ser um grande cornudo!!!
amizade commented on utoeuta's upload
Emergency fucking
1 video
Views: 10577  Commt: 17
Me, my wife Uta and JJ (her lover) came back from restaurant. Just arrived in the living room to take a last drink, my wife say she want make love NOW with JJ. They go in the dining room, 'where the design chairs can support their cum' !!! After, my wife ask me go to prepare our bedroom with towels. They leave the dining room for or bedroom. Again, they make love in front of me. My wife say me that I can watch until the firt JJ's cum.
After his creampie I let them continue without me. JJ stay one complete week at home. The stay together in our bedroom.
amizade  És um grande CORNUDO e gostas, grande cabrão!!