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Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 120
13 img
Views: 3213  Commt: 21
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who in this land is the hottest milf of all.
We wish you a sexy weekend!
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 118
8 img
Views: 2887  Commt: 20
I asked her to show me her pussy as well and then she does it herself!!
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 117
9 img
Views: 3236  Commt: 17
Und weil Ihr mich gestern so geil fandet, bat ich Stefan, noch mehr von mir zu zeigen, selbst wenn die Hose verrutscht war!
And because you thought I was so horny yesterday, I asked Stefan to show more of me, even if the pants had slipped!
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 115
20 img
Views: 4650  Commt: 36
I love sexy swimwear! Without is almost even better, isn't it?
Artur80 likes pimperliese97's upload
from the back and from the front, whi...
8 img
Views: 10167  Commt: 111
Artur80 likes pimperliese97's upload
Walk on Forrest
14 img
Views: 8572  Commt: 97
horny girl in the forrest

Geile Holzsammlerin im Wald
Artur80 likes SnakePlissken's upload
Fit for Weekend Fucking
11 img
Views: 10222  Commt: 80
I hope that I get a lot of big cocks this weekend in the clubs
Kisses, Marie
Artur80 likes SnakePlissken's upload
Cologne Girl wants to play
10 img
Views: 11296  Commt: 84
Meine Fick-Outfits..... Ich liebe Sperma und Schwänze.... Wer auch Lust hat meldet sich einfach... Geile Küsse, Marie
My Fick-Outfits ..... I love cum and dicks .... Who also wants to just log in ... Horny kisses, Marie
Artur80 likes SnakePlissken's upload
Fucking a Stranger
1 video
Views: 11657  Commt: 69
Ein Sportstudent, den ich in einem Club kennengelernt habe und ficken musste :)
Geile Küsse, eure Marie
Artur80 likes SnakePlissken's upload
Cum on me
15 img
Views: 7551  Commt: 107
Another set of our sexfriend Vanessa
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 93
20 img
Views: 6585  Commt: 49
Hi, Jungs ist meine Geilheit so ok für Euch?

Hi guys is my horniness ok for you?

Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 100
15 img
Views: 5309  Commt: 19
Fortsetzung der Serien 97, 98 und 99
Ich ahnte schon, dass Stefan auch bei unserem dritten Date die Kamera dabeihaben würde, um mich sexy zu fotografieren! Und ja, seine Bilder von mir gefielen mir ganz gut.
Da ich Stefans fotografischen Qualitäten schon kannte, wollte ich jetzt auch einmal sehen was er sonst noch so drauf hatte!
Ich versprach mich für ihn ganz auszuziehen, wenn er es denn auch täte! Er hatte damit kein Problem.
Einen schönen Steifen hat er beim Fotografieren von mir bekommen, was war ich stolz!
Und da wir ja keine kleinen Kinder mehr waren, haben wir es uns dann gegenseitig das erste Mal schön besorgt!

Continuation of the series 97, 98 and 99
I already suspected that Stefan would also have his camera with him on our third date to take sexy photos of me! And yes, I quite liked his pictures of me.
As I already knew Stefan's photographic qualities, I wanted to see what else he was capable of!
I promised to take all my clothes off for him if he would! He had no problem with that.
He got a nice hard-on when I took the photo, I was so proud!
And as we were no longer small children, we gave each other a really good time for the first time!, we did it to each other!
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 88
9 img
Views: 3948  Commt: 22
no panties
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 103
15 img
Views: 5296  Commt: 33
We only went to the hotel bar later!
An die Hotelbar ging es erst später!
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 104
15 img
Views: 4230  Commt: 33
You wanted to see me in chains? Here you go, no problem!
Ihr wolltet mich in Ketten sehen? Bitte schön, kein Problem!
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 106
20 img
Views: 4463  Commt: 33
Stefan and his buddy took turns photographing me here. The buddy was so excited that his little Johannes got a stiff neck, which I was happy to see!
To his relief, Stefan allowed me to come on me, as a reward, so to speak!

Stefan und sein Kumpel haben mich hier mal abwechselnd fotografiert. Den Kumpel hat das so erregt, dass sein kleiner Johannes einen steifen Hals bekam, was ich gerne sah!
Zu seiner Entlastung hat Stefan erlaubt auf mich abzuspritzen, als Belohnung sozusagen!
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 107
9 img
Views: 4358  Commt: 33
The farmer is far away, we can still take our time! But he's already looking curious!
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 108
11 img
Views: 3106  Commt: 11
Stefans Kumpel war wieder zu Besuch und diesmal war Stefan unser „Modell“!
Er kann mit seinem Teil gut umgehen!
(Die Kamera!)
Stefan's mate was visiting again and this time Stefan was our ‘model’!
He's really good with his kit!
(The camera!)
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 109
11 img
Views: 4803  Commt: 30
The hygiene inspector has forbidden working without trousers! Then behind the bar without a bra!

Der Hygieneinspekteur hat verboten ohne Hose zu arbeiten! Dann eben ohne BH hinter die Bar!
Artur80 likes kreta's upload
Anja 110
15 img
Views: 3669  Commt: 27
Kleine Einlage an der Wäschestage! Ich habe extra nachgesehen, unser Gartennachbar war beschäftigt und hat nichts mitbekommen!

A little interlude on laundry day! I went to check, our garden neighbour was busy and didn't notice!