Pending friend request
axla commented on simone's upload
Hot Pussy
6 img
Views: 6020  Commt: 25
If I see your thick, white semen on my pics, i´m
getting wild and give myself a handjob,
til i cry out and get a wild orgasm, please send such
pics to me.

Wenn ich euren dicken weissen Samen *** meinen Bildern
sehe, werde ich wild und mache es mir selbst, bis ich
laut rausschreie und einen wilden Orgasmus kriege,
bitte sendet mir so etwas
axla  Show us your peehole!
axla commented on kmtorture's upload
Slut Melanie
6 img
Views: 19108  Commt: 15
a sexy good patient of me... godd for using....
axla  Beautyfull - how about having other tings inside your peehole? I would love to help you!
axla commented on SirandKatie's upload
Peehole play
1 video
Views: 21145  Commt: 17
Katie loves her peehole played with, she gushes every time.
axla  Thats a woman I love. Try other things in her peehole - I am sure she would love it!
axla commented on SwingCurious's upload
Bi-girl needed
6 img
Views: 54767  Commt: 175
Bob gave me permission to find my own girlfriend. Someone I can play with by myself. Someone i can fondle, kiss, caress, and fuck silly until she cries out and floods my hand with girl cum.
axla  Oh you beautyfull you! How I love you!
axla commented on Ellie's upload
1 video
Views: 7988  Commt: 19
This is from a while back but let me know I did it for an older woman friend who loved to watch me play with myself
axla  Do it with your peehole - oh my - just do it with your peehole, how I would love to see it!