bkkojak has uploaded a new upload
![Return to the bookstore](https://t.accdn.net/6M/GA/uo/TM/I6.jpg)
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Views: 3189 Commt: 9
Weather was so so this weekend so me and the wife decided to stay in, she got drunk and really fresky, decided to hit up the book store near town, Florida is our new hideaway
bkkojak has uploaded a new upload
![Back to the bookstore](https://t.accdn.net/6M/GA/uo/Ox/o6.jpg)
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Views: 6375 Commt: 19
Wife was feeling fresky as we just got here on vacation and decide to find a bookstore, luckily they had one. we'll be here for a few weeks so this my not be the last vid
bkkojak has uploaded a new upload
![Back to the gloryhole](https://t.accdn.net/v0/v0/v0/0Q/tv.jpg)
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Views: 6898 Commt: 9
Last week of summer, found and spot in pcola florida, wife was game, here it is
bkkojak has uploaded a new upload
![Gloryhole trip](https://t.accdn.net/7U/NG/zs/QY/U7.jpg)
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Views: 11709 Commt: 28
Visiting in mississippi and dared her to try someone in a gloryhole, she did and I lost a lot of money at the outlets over it lol