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Friends across the south, London to S...
11 img
Views: 4866  Commt: 1
Daring do's, flashing fannies, tits outside Tesco's, sucking at safeways and lots of other wickedly rude things that two people, with a camera, can do together. Will you join us?
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Torn between winking and wankig, we c...
7 img
Views: 7152  Commt: 0
This first pic was in bath, not Bath in Somerset, but bath on my first floor, the second was a tenant who often paid her rent in kind, the third was a girl who liked a bit of white meat, number four said cum was good for her tits, would I disagree?
Fifth image, a cool hand on a hot dick, sixth...pulled! B&W, she was B and I was W.
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Motoring pleasures, oh for the open r...
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Views: 5247  Commt: 2
I used to work as a photographer for a motoring magazine, but took too many unpublishable photos! They said.
Pics from Hemel Hempstead, Pershore, Hammersmith.Different girls, different shoes, different places, different days. pm me
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Models we made, lead-alloy, 75mm / 3"...
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Views: 2701  Commt: 1
Models I made, the little figures, and the models I made, in the flesh. Will you join the fun? Also into, outdoor, flashing, exhibitionism, risk, anything daring, public and very rude. Are you up for it? pm me