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buckeyehank commented on crue690's upload
Lynnes killer bj
1 video
Views: 25833  Commt: 86
A lovely wife and some good rock n roll and a killer bj what more can you ask for
buckeyehank  Awesome blowjob of what? A 4" dick? Get serious!
buckeyehank likes edoublehu's upload
The best to me!!!
4 img
Views: 7368  Commt: 62
Just a few photos of my baby. She's a little shy so I promised I wouldn't show her face. Please let us know what you think. I think she has some of the best boobs!
buckeyehank commented on Katiekixx's upload
My purple dress
8 img
Views: 132126  Commt: 439
I posted some pics and ya'll liked them so here are some more since you asked
buckeyehank  What are you planning on doing when you grow up?
buckeyehank commented on Tori's upload
15 img
Views: 32227  Commt: 8
Slut cheating
buckeyehank  So are you going to share her or what?
buckeyehank commented on PrettyPolly's upload
Hi, I'm Polly..
7 img
Views: 23941  Commt: 238
Not sure where this is going, but who cares, right?
buckeyehank  Why can't females just tell their husbands that they met a guy online and are going to go meet him?
buckeyehank commented on AbbyStudies20's upload
I get horny when im studying..
8 img
Views: 38106  Commt: 129
It starts out as a little itch, but it only gets worse each time I scratch.. Do you get horny when you work?
buckeyehank  I'd like to help by cramming you for your next exam!