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![First Gangbang](https://t.accdn.net/T6/dk/ry/UJ/9T.jpg)
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Views: 100313 Commt: 111
Actually one of my first gangbangs, where I had to satisfy 12 men. It was a very long night, and they didn't let me have a rest, save once for half an hour. The most I loved was to be fucked in all three holes simultaneously. Since that time I cannot live without of being regularly gangbanged.
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![Sucking & Swallowing](https://t.accdn.net/BM/bA/Zo/26/gB.jpg)
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Views: 92100 Commt: 149
Men like to fuck me mostly in the ass, but I have to suck the cocks clean after being assfucked, which I like the most. Please don't hesitate to use any dirty word, when you write to me, I love it. If you wish some pics of mine, write please your e-mail adress. I think I'm a pretty big exhibitionist, too. Kisses to all. Yvonne
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![Multiple Mouthfuck](https://t.accdn.net/cy/ma/YM/QH/hc.jpg)
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Views: 111563 Commt: 195
I had hoped that I would be fucked at least in the ass too. But they wanted to use only my mouth for their pleasure. All the night long I couldn't say even one single word as my mouth was continiuosly occupied. The amount of cum I got compensated however the assfuck which I unfortunately didn't get.
likes DannyBlushes's upload
![I'm ready to learn](https://t.accdn.net/v0/v0/v0/QV/Uv.jpg)
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Views: 90706 Commt: 297
I want to try a man in my mouth, not just one of the boys I've been dating.