Pending friend request


Sex: female, looking for male
Age: 25 years old
Location: China
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Member since: Aug 21, 2014
My naughty fantasy.
I would like to see my egg fertilized with someone else's sperm through artificial insemination.
I would prefer sperm from an elderly street person or a severely mentally handicapped man who would normally never be able to produce offspring.
I think it would be very exciting just to watch the fertilized egg as it divides.
I would let them choose whether to implant in my womb and impregnate me, or dispose of them.
Severely mentally handicapped men will have their parents make the choice for them.
I have no choice at all and I have to follow their decisions no matter what.
Of course, they have no obligation or responsibility whatsoever.
If I do end up pregnant, I will take responsibility for the birth and raise the child as retribution for desecrating a life.
I do not have sex with them, no matter how much they want it, because I am only there to satisfy their desire to procreate.
I'm just a baby-making machine.
It's funny how people who use their dicks as avatars criticize my silly fantasies.
We're all perverts, so let's just think pervertedly.
If you want to talk about ethics and morality, please change that image to Jesus and then say so.