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Slipperry when wet!
12 img
Views: 3794  Commt: 18
After a marvelous morning quickie, I test the smooth'n'slippery of sensational pussy, abd can not help my self as one two three finger slide right in...mmmuntil finally I begin fisting myself for a finally...oh how I wish for....mmm well you decide...what is it I want for an encore
cpldoux3338 commented on rbcurious's upload
Naughty lady in red!
13 img
Views: 6870  Commt: 35
Bought a little red dress to surprise my honey and wear when we meet friends, for some of you out there have shared how dresses with no panties turn you on....turned me on just to wear it, I could not wait, so after a llittle dancing and teasing I put on a show for my photographer (hubby) and for all you sexy people out there too! If you enjoy these shots enough, maybe we will make a video retake! Enjoy! Share comments they inspire me to offer you more!
cpldoux3338  yummy pussy