commented on sircumalot71's upload
![Huge creampie finish](https://t.accdn.net/RQ/Z8/hr/Lp/5R.jpg)
1 video
Views: 3499 Commt: 28
This is what you get after 5 days edging away on a work trip, she held it in for a good 5 mins before letting me see what I gave her, it was one of my super loads ;)
wow! huge load!
commented on mlovecat's upload
![My dream with teacher II](https://t.accdn.net/pe/Pq/1C/8f/mp.jpg)
20 img
Views: 8812 Commt: 41
Finally, I creampie my teacher in the classroom. My teacher give me A++ ! Welcome you join this class.
wow!!! http://blogcreampie.blogspot.com.es/