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dilater commented on oralmary38DD's upload
A few from our vacation home
15 img
Views: 59180  Commt: 342
Enjoying the incredible views we have here.Hope I add to the scenery.
dilater  Funny, how this chick also happens to be a Southern Charm name Aja, not Mary, and all these pictures here are ripped off her site there....seriously, quit stealing pictures from pay-sites and passing them off as your own. Pretending to be a chick, seriously, Dr. Phil is waiting
dilater commented on bjorn007's upload
She assfucks him
1 video
Views: 43231  Commt: 104
Her turn to do him
Please comment
dilater  I'm next!
dilater commented on Devote49's upload
My horny slutass
1 video
Views: 9573  Commt: 42
My horny Cunt is always wet and hungry...
hier spielt mein herr mit mir, seiner devoten sau, ich liebe es wenn er so mit mir redet.
dilater  No offence....but you sound like a complete retard!!!! How the fuck did you even get this sexy, obedient slut? If YOU told my HAMSTER to bend over,'d get one hamster having cramps from laughing so much. That's cruel! And yes, dipshit, I speak fluent German.....except for....YOU don't.....such a shame! I could really put a horny fucking whore like yours to work.....
dilater commented on StephanieG's upload
Lil Steph gets brave in the bathroom
17 img
Views: 13658  Commt: 56
Hi guys and girls! First off, let me lick, suck and fuck you all for the tremendous amount of lovely, and pervy support I got on my first post! It overwhelmed me! I didn't think so many of you still thought me fuckable! All your lovely support, messages and comments really made me feel good, wanted and pervy again. I'm sorry I never got a chance to reply to each of you lovely, horny people, but it was just too much! Which brings me to two certain members - if you recognize me....don't go blurting it out in public!!! What was that?? If you do recognize me, let me know discreetly, send me an email, message me on here, tap me on the shoulder at the party, whatever. Discreetly! Please. With that out of the way, here's my horny, slutty self in the bathroom, showing off my wet, needy cunt and asshole. Takers...?
dilater  Hey freckles, thank you for last week!!! God, I love it when you gag and squirm on my big, fat , black cock! We got next?
dilater commented on snoopydoopy's upload
Sexy Chocolate
4 img
Views: 1337  Commt: 3
Sexy Chocolate...Love White
dilater  Maybe lay off the crack for a while, G!
dilater commented on derdieter's upload
Slut cunt for use
14 img
Views: 4756  Commt: 7
Fat cunt use
dilater  Mein Gott, hör endlich auf, Bilder aus dem Netz zu klauen, du armseliger, alter Schrumpelschwanz! Du nervst! Selbst für Hartz IV Opas wie dich gibt es 20 Euro Huren, die sich fotografieren lassen!
dilater likes dahkwench's upload
Pics took with my phone
13 img
Views: 18830  Commt: 85
I decided to take some pictures with my phone to post since I haven't posted in a while....
dilater commented on AudreyWill's upload
Take me as I am
14 img
Views: 191137  Commt: 1058
With this post I am letting go of a lifetime of suppressed sexual feelings. My ex-hubby never, ever experimented with anything but a three minute missionary postion. He never let me go down on him and he never once adventured below my tits.. I am ready to try anything and everything that I have been imagining for over 15 years.
dilater  bullshit story, bullshit posts. these pictures are stolen from auntjudys. com
dilater commented on jake5150's upload
Mature for Sure
20 img
Views: 15385  Commt: 9
more mature than you can handle
dilater  "more mature than I can handle"....??? Asshole, you're just posting stolen pictures. Ever had a 40, 50, 60, 70 year old cunt sit on your face? No? No wonder! Half of them would kill you by just being naked around you, the other half would make you have a seizure! Pathetic fucking pic-spammer! Get laid! Ask your mom!
dilater commented on jessica96's upload
Playing with my pussy
17 img
Views: 51323  Commt: 73
young indian boy never feel a pussy. i show him how to play with it.fremden kerl mit meiner fotze spielen lassen.geil
dilater  why would you let that dirty paki touch you? thats disgusting!