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DorsetExplorer commented on Jrm5229's upload
Naked body kissed by the sun
7 img
Views: 3126  Commt: 36
Just being naked and loving it. Tell me what you think
DorsetExplorer  Fucking perfect wife
DorsetExplorer likes Heyall's upload
Finally, my nudes x
16 img
Views: 6099  Commt: 183
Do you like them?
Please be kind x
DorsetExplorer commented on BlZamora's upload
Piscina pics
5 img
Views: 2220  Commt: 9
I spend summer days at the pool teasing when I can. Looking forward to it again this summer.
DorsetExplorer  Wonder if you would catch the bulge in my swimming shorts as I watched you carefully behind my sunglasses