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DoYouLater commented on posewithjade's upload
Jade  Cinco de Mayo or Cougar de Mayo
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Views: 18207  Commt: 58
Happy Cinco de Mayo
DoYouLater  Hey jade ! Gusto Cinqo de Mayo por se too !! eduardo
DoYouLater commented on wetdreames's upload
Pictures at the beach
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Views: 46811  Commt: 205
These pictures were taken a couple of years ago now, we did post them last year but got accused of being fake proffesional pics, they are genuine amature pictures taken by my husband, hope you like them!
DoYouLater  Hey Wetdreams ! Great Screen Name for your pics profile ! Your wife is a natural beauty, and as always I am turned on by a real woman who shares her body with me ! Ciao, DoYouLater !
DoYouLater commented on TanyaRyan28's upload
I'm worried..
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Views: 62611  Commt: 696
..because many of your personal messages told me to keep my pictures to myself. I've never shown myself publicly. Please don't say mean things about how I look. It hasn't been easy for me to do this. Tanya
DoYouLater  Tanya ! You are no less beutiful than anyone else on here ! . Let me share a little psychological/spiritual insight with you ! Those who try to embarass or shame or humiliate others are trying to overcome or shed their self- shame by spread it to others. Only the shame-filled try to shame others, everyone else doesn't have any to try to invect others with ! Those who shame are to be pitied as they suffer within, and will never be shameless until they confront their twisted self-image ! Go ahead and strut your stuff, and wish those who try to hurt and harm you self-acceptance at the end of their lives. Keep on strutting your 'stuff' Tanya !
aka: DoYouLater
DoYouLater commented on Ali4You34's upload
Classiest tramp in America
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Views: 98222  Commt: 276
Larry used to tell me jokingly that I was the "classiest tramp in America." He said I actually became every man's favorite slut wife when we were alone and begged me to let him slut me out with a few guys or girls. Oh why, oh why did I never go along? Ali
DoYouLater  A Real Woman ! Nothing more sexier, than a real woman sharing her 'freak' with you ! xoxo