couple, looking for nobody
65 years old
United States
Last login:
Member since:
Sep 29, 2010
I have HAD IT with my posts being altered by sub admins and put in the cuckold category! I HATE THAT WORD, have let the sub admins know, and STILL they change MY categories that I put my post in to what THEY think is best for MY posts. I'm not a fucking idiot, I know where I want them. So therefore, I will NOT be posting on this site anymore. I'll just be a voyeur here, now! READ BELOW, SUB ADMINS!!!
I am NOT a cuck, don't like the term, it's derogatory for a husband that is inadequate, and who accepts his wife's pussy is her sole property and she alone decides which men she will fuck,even if it means denying her husband. His only access to her pussy is to clean it of the ejaculate of males she chooses to fuck. I'M the one who sets up our meeting with other men. This is OUR thing, not something for just her that i have to put up with. NO man would put up with that!