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Views: 5802 Commt: 48
So the end for a little while..... We will see what the future brings. Thank you to those who have written to tell me they hope I post more, and that they like the posts/poses I do. That is likely to stay the same.
Those of you hoping that "reconsidering airbrushing my pictures" is code for "I am turning into a spreading slut overnight" will have to live with their disappointment, and know that they (and their insistence on slutty behavior) are the kind of people that make actual women stop wanting to post on sites like these.
Those of you hoping that "reconsidering airbrushing my pictures" is code for "I am turning into a spreading slut overnight" will have to live with their disappointment, and know that they (and their insistence on slutty behavior) are the kind of people that make actual women stop wanting to post on sites like these.

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 3906 Commt: 20
So we are drawing to a close here on the week and on this set.... This is the end of the standing poses, tomorrow is mainly legs and shoes!
It is also time to tell you that I will be pausing in my photo publishing for a little bit. My family is leaving for a week long cruise next week and I am in prep mode for it now. I might get some pics of swimsuits I am taking ready for next week. But then again, I might not. We might take some "Fauna Pictures" while we are away, or we might just have a holiday.
I have been really enjoying pushing myself to put out a good volume of reasonable quality pictures here over the last few months. But I have a few other things that I need to accomplish in the next few months, and photos are going to have to take second place for a bit, at least photos the way I have been doing them so far.
So many of you comment that I seem so confident. And I am really not in real life, because real life me can't pause the frame and retouch it to remove the blemishes. I almost never show my legs in real life because I have some persistent marks are 'just cosmetic', but ugly: "OMG what bit you!" is the thing I hear the most when I show my legs. But Fauna gets to remove those. Those blemishes that haunt the bum of many people who sit to work are a big ugly deal in my real world, but Fauna just gets out the paintbrush. Fauna has beautiful things to wear and good clear lighting. I live in the world of harsh task lighting, and messy work spaces.
These pictures partly started as a way to determine if I was "still fuckable". And while survey says *Fauna definitely is*, I often feel that I am not- since I take such a lot of cropping and posing and retouching to 'become Fauna'. I am not sure yet if the answer is to do less retouching, and pray that you all don't hate it, or to try to find a mental gymnastic to cope with it (but I am not very good at those). So lots to think about over the next little while for me. I will be back after tomorrows post- I have a closet full of black Friday aquired Lingerie!- but when and in what form, remains to be seen. I will be around looking at mail and comments, so don't think you can just get away with stuff! :-D
It is also time to tell you that I will be pausing in my photo publishing for a little bit. My family is leaving for a week long cruise next week and I am in prep mode for it now. I might get some pics of swimsuits I am taking ready for next week. But then again, I might not. We might take some "Fauna Pictures" while we are away, or we might just have a holiday.
I have been really enjoying pushing myself to put out a good volume of reasonable quality pictures here over the last few months. But I have a few other things that I need to accomplish in the next few months, and photos are going to have to take second place for a bit, at least photos the way I have been doing them so far.
So many of you comment that I seem so confident. And I am really not in real life, because real life me can't pause the frame and retouch it to remove the blemishes. I almost never show my legs in real life because I have some persistent marks are 'just cosmetic', but ugly: "OMG what bit you!" is the thing I hear the most when I show my legs. But Fauna gets to remove those. Those blemishes that haunt the bum of many people who sit to work are a big ugly deal in my real world, but Fauna just gets out the paintbrush. Fauna has beautiful things to wear and good clear lighting. I live in the world of harsh task lighting, and messy work spaces.
These pictures partly started as a way to determine if I was "still fuckable". And while survey says *Fauna definitely is*, I often feel that I am not- since I take such a lot of cropping and posing and retouching to 'become Fauna'. I am not sure yet if the answer is to do less retouching, and pray that you all don't hate it, or to try to find a mental gymnastic to cope with it (but I am not very good at those). So lots to think about over the next little while for me. I will be back after tomorrows post- I have a closet full of black Friday aquired Lingerie!- but when and in what form, remains to be seen. I will be around looking at mail and comments, so don't think you can just get away with stuff! :-D

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 4263 Commt: 21
Oh Gosh! Wherever did my dress go? Good thing I have such cute wine coloured underthings on so that the title of the album still makes sense! That's me, thinking all the time! :-D
So yes, in case you missed the attribution yesterday, this is a set from Playful Promises, who have websites in the US and and UK. This is the Marlene quarter cup bra, and matching panty, in colour wine (It comes in several other colours too!). I bought my usual bra size (42 H) and everything is where it should be! I am not certain I love the frill around the top of the panties- I have plenty of butt without it!- but it is different!
But they won't last long.... you know me! ;)
So yes, in case you missed the attribution yesterday, this is a set from Playful Promises, who have websites in the US and and UK. This is the Marlene quarter cup bra, and matching panty, in colour wine (It comes in several other colours too!). I bought my usual bra size (42 H) and everything is where it should be! I am not certain I love the frill around the top of the panties- I have plenty of butt without it!- but it is different!
But they won't last long.... you know me! ;)

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 3066 Commt: 23
So I was in a bit of a silly mood while taking these, and Hubby thinks it is cute when I make funny faces, and he helped me pick which of the 500+ pictures would be uploaded this week. So we have lots of me being a ham!

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 2112 Commt: 22
And we are back again, with More Legs! Playing with the pin up girl esthetic again, with their swimsuits that go so low on the hip..... Until the end when the elasticity of the dress and my big butt will not be denied and it rides up to show my panties! Oh dear! :-D

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 3295 Commt: 26
Hello again! Back with a classic Fauna strip thing, no more Xmas gadgets and what not! New dress from Pretty Little Thing (makers of the "Green Dress") which had such an open neckline that most bras showed. Clearly it needed Something Special! So that is what lies beneath..... more on that later in the week!
Shoes from Winners- they were a steal at $25, but missing the ankle straps, so I added my own ribbons. They are gorgeous to look at, but I am glad I wasn't going anywhere in them- I could barely stand up! :-D I kind of fail at heels in real life, but I try for you guys! :-D
Shoes from Winners- they were a steal at $25, but missing the ankle straps, so I added my own ribbons. They are gorgeous to look at, but I am glad I wasn't going anywhere in them- I could barely stand up! :-D I kind of fail at heels in real life, but I try for you guys! :-D

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 3939 Commt: 40
From time to time, people ask me about my nipples- how big are they *really*- because proportions on camera can be deceiving. So at the end of a photo shoot I decided to have a snack, and show you my favourite comparison-Raspberries! So I know that these are all pretty similar, but I was tired, and fooling around with what I had. Hopefully you won't mind too much. More of my bum next week! :-D
Oh, and just because it was a comment last night.... My breasts are my own, I grew them all by myself. I have had no surgery, no injections, nada. I airbrush the occasional bruise or zit from them (as I do from anywhere they appear), but I wouldn't begin to know how to change the actual shape of my body in editing. I wear a 42I bra when I can find them, 42 or 44 H when I can't. Size 24/3x for clothes. I am fully 300 pounds. This is just how I look, for better or worse.
Oh, and just because it was a comment last night.... My breasts are my own, I grew them all by myself. I have had no surgery, no injections, nada. I airbrush the occasional bruise or zit from them (as I do from anywhere they appear), but I wouldn't begin to know how to change the actual shape of my body in editing. I wear a 42I bra when I can find them, 42 or 44 H when I can't. Size 24/3x for clothes. I am fully 300 pounds. This is just how I look, for better or worse.

commented on her own upload

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Views: 4144 Commt: 30
This might be a trend- another album title that makes sense all the way to the end! I don't know if this will keep happening, so let us enjoy it while we can! :-D
Because I continue to get enquiries about this, I take almost all my photos myself with my phone on a tripod and a shutter clicker button- you can often see it in my hand- though I think it got cropped out of all these pics. Hubby did "help" this week by assisting in the photo selection process- I generally take about 4 times as many photos as you see. Then I did the editing on the smaller group of pics. I am trying to make picture production faster since I have many demands on my time going into this coming year. :-D
Because I continue to get enquiries about this, I take almost all my photos myself with my phone on a tripod and a shutter clicker button- you can often see it in my hand- though I think it got cropped out of all these pics. Hubby did "help" this week by assisting in the photo selection process- I generally take about 4 times as many photos as you see. Then I did the editing on the smaller group of pics. I am trying to make picture production faster since I have many demands on my time going into this coming year. :-D

My Breasts are very real- Grew them myself! :-D I wear a 42I bra.

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 5355 Commt: 51
I continue to be delighted that I take my photos in advance and can therefore just post them when I am not feeling great! Go me! I have even figured out what I am doing on Friday! And yes, you will have to wait and see! ;) The only hint: It is quite tasty! :-D

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 3593 Commt: 24
Sniff sniff.... Another NYE spent at home with a cold! Ah well! It might not be what I am "supposed" to do for a cold, but dammit, I am opening the bottle of bubbly I meant to drink tonight, even if it is a bit early! I have drunk enough juice to float a cruise ship, now I want bubbles! :-D
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe NYE- or a pleasant and happy New years Day for my wonderful Antipodian followers! And for those in the UK and Europe who see me as they wake up, go slow, I hope it was a good night!
I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe NYE- or a pleasant and happy New years Day for my wonderful Antipodian followers! And for those in the UK and Europe who see me as they wake up, go slow, I hope it was a good night!

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 4051 Commt: 41
Hello all! This is the Olivia Bra and Panty set from Hips and Curves in colour "cranberry", hence the album title! :-D It is available in a couple of other colours if this one doesn't go with your skin tone. Note on ordering: This bra is sold by band size and Small/Med/Large cup size instead of the usual letters. My H-I cups are off their chart, but the large seems to work alright! :-D
Finally home from all the visiting and true to form I have come down with a terrible cold. My sisters horrible little plague rats (I mean delightful young men, of course) have passed me their germs and I am miserable. But at least I have 7 days to get better before going back to work. Yay?!
Finally home from all the visiting and true to form I have come down with a terrible cold. My sisters horrible little plague rats (I mean delightful young men, of course) have passed me their germs and I am miserable. But at least I have 7 days to get better before going back to work. Yay?!

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 4251 Commt: 35
I think this is the first time in forever that the title is still relevant all the way to Day five! Yay!
So a reminder for the newer folks, 'please don't be vulgar" means please don't make over sexual comments about what you want to do do/with me. I know it seems a little weird perhaps, but it still feels uncomfortable hearing the plans of strangers. Please humour me and just tell me you are "very inspired" or something like that. Consider it a late Xmas gift! Thanks! XOXO
So a reminder for the newer folks, 'please don't be vulgar" means please don't make over sexual comments about what you want to do do/with me. I know it seems a little weird perhaps, but it still feels uncomfortable hearing the plans of strangers. Please humour me and just tell me you are "very inspired" or something like that. Consider it a late Xmas gift! Thanks! XOXO

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 4497 Commt: 38
So it is boxing day here in Canada and we have been driving for most of it. Hubby and I had lots of good chats in the car about how we are going to spend our time in the coming year, and upcoming plans. And the perennial favourite for road trips- what will we do if we win the 50 million in the lotto on Friday! And now we are at my sisters house and I am uploading and asking hubby what I should say on this post. He was not helpful (he says he was very helpful)
His suggestions: "Oh no! My bodysuit is falling off!" "Please Adore Me" "I am sexy look at me".....
Please note I am including these in the spirit of helpfulness..... and humour! He is a very silly man and I love him to bits and pieces!
Also: Foot people! I apologise for the state of my feet in this post. Either my floors are far dirtier than I think they are or i was having a weird reaction to the shoes. I will not tag them.... :-D
Will continue to have only sporadic and very non-private access to the site while I am travelling. I will be home on Monday and will try to cook up a post for you then.....
His suggestions: "Oh no! My bodysuit is falling off!" "Please Adore Me" "I am sexy look at me".....
Please note I am including these in the spirit of helpfulness..... and humour! He is a very silly man and I love him to bits and pieces!
Also: Foot people! I apologise for the state of my feet in this post. Either my floors are far dirtier than I think they are or i was having a weird reaction to the shoes. I will not tag them.... :-D
Will continue to have only sporadic and very non-private access to the site while I am travelling. I will be home on Monday and will try to cook up a post for you then.....

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 3887 Commt: 20
Happy Christmas! I hope you all had a lovely day! I had a wonderful, if busy time at my Mother in laws house with all my Hubby's family. Tomorrow we travel 5-6 hours to stay at my sisters and see all my family. All this to say that while the photos will be going up as usual, and I will be checking comments as usual, I will not likely have a lot of time for replies. I do miss Chatting with you all but I am just pooped and have no privacy!
I hope you enjoy this set, I had a fantastic time taking them! ;)
I hope you enjoy this set, I had a fantastic time taking them! ;)

Fauna has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 3196 Commt: 22
Happy Christmas Everyone! I hope everything has been done that needs to be done and that everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow. I got all my chores done before my Mother in law arrived, so I am calling that a win!
More pictures of me trying to dance in these amazingly high heels before taking them off to kneel on the nice soft carpet! The rest of the set will be on my knees.... hopefully the leg lovers will forgive me! The rest of you can use your imagination ;)
More pictures of me trying to dance in these amazingly high heels before taking them off to kneel on the nice soft carpet! The rest of the set will be on my knees.... hopefully the leg lovers will forgive me! The rest of you can use your imagination ;)