commented on VirginiaHubby's upload
![First post](https://t.accdn.net/ru/3C/bK/Dw/rr.jpg)
6 img
Views: 5599 Commt: 53
A random assortment of a couple of pictures we've taken, showing some of the fun we've had (and hopefully will continue to keep having). As this is our first post since joining a couple of days ago, let us know what you think. If you don't really have anything nice to say, then don't bother saying it.
I really like what I see so far....
commented on hotrockcock's upload
![She wanted me to fuck her mouth](https://t.accdn.net/CU/iG/4s/kH/mC.jpg)
1 video
Views: 7639 Commt: 46
Our first BJ vid. There are more and better to come if we get heaps of good comments.
commented on TanyaRyan28's upload
![I'm worried..](https://t.accdn.net/fW/Hs/dY/2T/Of.jpg)
11 img
Views: 62593 Commt: 696
..because many of your personal messages told me to keep my pictures to myself. I've never shown myself publicly. Please don't say mean things about how I look. It hasn't been easy for me to do this. Tanya
You look great lady. To hell with the other negative comments on here. I'd love to have some fun with you!!!!