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francosuper is now friends with Gingernaughty
francosuper commented on bellafiga's upload
wild ride
1 video
Views: 13877  Commt: 127
ride me anna, don't stop
francosuper  bellissimo film sei una attrice super.. e come lo sbatti fortunato
francosuper commented on pierr's upload
A dear friend 3
9 img
Views: 7260  Commt: 30
No story
francosuper  che milf stupenda che sei.... se solo tu volessi...un bacio franco
francosuper commented on susanna62's upload
Susanna my bj
1 video
Views: 3652  Commt: 23
Mi piace fare i bocchini
francosuper  sei proprio brava.... complimenti
francosuper commented on Christelle1971's upload
Christelle, French wife, 44 yo
20 img
Views: 26806  Commt: 144
Christelle, French wife, 44 yo
francosuper  bellissima
francosuper is now friends with leonia and 1 other person
francosuper commented on storm86's upload
Close up of my pussy
9 img
Views: 46173  Commt: 272
Pics of mu pussy
francosuper  if you came in Italy.......
francosuper is now friends with pierr
francosuper commented on bellafiga's upload
On the chair 1
10 img
Views: 5768  Commt: 18
Showing off in black lingerie
francosuper  tesoro come sei Bona...... come sei tanta... ti sogno..
francosuper commented on AliceSucksCock's upload
I need to be fucked!! Fuck my cunt!!
20 img
Views: 53160  Commt: 248
Had a days pampering.Had my hair done and my cunt waxed and stripped nude the instant I got home to masturbate and show you!

I get SOO turned on when I'm having my cunt waxed and it must be SOO obvious - if you catch my drift! HeHe!

No cocks available so I had to improvise with one of my vibs! LOL

The kiss is for all my friends here!

Love from Alice XX

BTW I've had a lot of messages saying that non gold members can't watch my videos so I've done still in this one for you XX
francosuper  porca....
francosuper commented on pelana's upload
Donna squirting
1 video
Views: 115596  Commt: 269
Italian wife.
francosuper  bella e porca.... che mix....
francosuper commented on bellafiga's upload
Italian lingerie 1
10 img
Views: 6951  Commt: 33
Wearing black thong and half cup bra by italian designer
francosuper  bellaaa
francosuper commented on bellafiga's upload
A window in tuscany
4 img
Views: 13130  Commt: 91
Under the tuscan sun....
francosuper  mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm stupenda....
francosuper is now friends with bellafiga
francosuper commented on bellafiga's upload
The rose 2
10 img
Views: 4998  Commt: 30
Compare her female scent with that of a fresh rose
francosuper  sei proprio una bella figona.. complimenti
francosuper is now friends with ladysexyred
francosuper commented on noah62's upload
Blue fairy of happiness
12 img
Views: 22791  Commt: 131
My Claudia is the essence of life
francosuper  claudia sei stupenda.....
francosuper commented on noah62's upload
Soft claudia
8 img
Views: 14082  Commt: 70
No story
francosuper  claudia hai due puppe......
francosuper commented on noah62's upload
Caudia celebraties Halloween
20 img
Views: 25063  Commt: 115
My wonderful little witch Claudia posing for my and your joy
francosuper  che super figona che sei..
francosuper commented on maxiva06's upload
Abandoned farm, part 1
11 img
Views: 9988  Commt: 65
An afternoon of photos on an abandoned farm.
In the field beyond the wall two men were working and my husband was telling me what I could do with them. He knows what makes me horny.
Thanks for your feedbacks.
francosuper  sei stupenda...... e stupenda...