likes smoothcreamy's upload

11 img
Views: 26052 Commt: 151
Well as my first post was met with such love...and lust...I thought I would post again...this time with surprise at the end ;-p

likes smoothcreamy's upload

likes simlee78's upload

11 img
Views: 6795 Commt: 98
Would I have to beg you too fuck me?? . ..........
....... Asking for a friend 😉
....... Asking for a friend 😉

commented on wenchyslut's upload

12 img
Views: 9396 Commt: 135
First post for a while.
Am I still sexy enough?
Would you still fuck me?
Am I still sexy enough?
Would you still fuck me?

Welcome back dear !! You are as sex and desirable as you ever were and definitely still a 120 % fuckable baby !! I would love to lose my mind with you dear !!

likes HeidiBrauchtEs's upload

commented on HeidiBrauchtEs's upload

6 img
Views: 16785 Commt: 166
...makes you forget the worst meal, my mummy used to say.
What do you think?
What do you think?

Totaly agree !!! I want to eat with you Schatz !

likes BeautifulDisaster's upload

commented on Untreue's upload

4 img
Views: 10660 Commt: 57
Due to Corona Isolation I get a real slut. I am horny and Sloppy
Ich lass alles rum liegen und will nur noch gefickt werden.
Scheiss Kontaktverbot. Ich vermisse meine Chefs und die täglichen Ficks
Ich lass alles rum liegen und will nur noch gefickt werden.
Scheiss Kontaktverbot. Ich vermisse meine Chefs und die täglichen Ficks

Lass uns ficken Baby !!!

commented on kinkypetra56's upload

So seductive your angles !!! My hands playing with your nipples while my tongue explores your innocent pussy !!! ;)

commented on kati38's upload

So seductive your angles !!! Mmmm... my tongue explores your innocent pussy !!! ;)

likes BeccaP's upload

4 img
Views: 20824 Commt: 384
It has taken almost 7 months to list this post, but here it is. For those who are interested in reading why I am posting, please read on. If not, leave a comment and I will read it :-)
I am not sure how much what I say here matters or if anyone will read it, but why I am posting is important for me to share.
I do not sleep around, I am not promiscuous and I would not ever really consider myself someone who is comfortable in her own skin. But here I am, posting intimate photos of myself. Why?
These photos were taken with my ex, we were together for 6 years. He is the only person I was ever with until our breakup, and these photos were for us. The reason I am sharing them is because there is a part of me that I have not/can not explore in real life, and these photos represent that to me.
The simplest and most crude way of explaining it is don't really want to sleep around or be a stripper. Yet I find myself jealous of those women. Not sure if that makes sense, but it's how I feel. I find myself wanting validation from men in ways that has nothing to do with my personality or what is inside my head. I want something primal. However, in real life I cannot voice this. Even putting this into words has me shaking more than the knowledge I am sharing a photo of my bare breasts.
I want to know what people think of me. How they see me. I want to talk to people, men or women, in a safe place where I can be myself without judgment. I want to feel naked and free.
I will be 100% honest and transparent and answer anything. The only thing I am hiding is my face since I have a career and do not want to be known for this.
My body is not perfect, I know that. But it is me and I want you to see that.
I hope to hear from you. Good or bad.
I am not sure how much what I say here matters or if anyone will read it, but why I am posting is important for me to share.
I do not sleep around, I am not promiscuous and I would not ever really consider myself someone who is comfortable in her own skin. But here I am, posting intimate photos of myself. Why?
These photos were taken with my ex, we were together for 6 years. He is the only person I was ever with until our breakup, and these photos were for us. The reason I am sharing them is because there is a part of me that I have not/can not explore in real life, and these photos represent that to me.
The simplest and most crude way of explaining it is don't really want to sleep around or be a stripper. Yet I find myself jealous of those women. Not sure if that makes sense, but it's how I feel. I find myself wanting validation from men in ways that has nothing to do with my personality or what is inside my head. I want something primal. However, in real life I cannot voice this. Even putting this into words has me shaking more than the knowledge I am sharing a photo of my bare breasts.
I want to know what people think of me. How they see me. I want to talk to people, men or women, in a safe place where I can be myself without judgment. I want to feel naked and free.
I will be 100% honest and transparent and answer anything. The only thing I am hiding is my face since I have a career and do not want to be known for this.
My body is not perfect, I know that. But it is me and I want you to see that.
I hope to hear from you. Good or bad.