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![Being seen in green](https://t.accdn.net/js/9Q/xi/xI/uj.jpg)
10 img
Views: 47632 Commt: 740
My wife feeling submissive, and wanting to be seen in her kinky new green lingerie. Please let us know what you think of her in the comments, and don't hold back, we love the comments so much.
commented on wifeisaslut's upload
![Submissive session](https://t.accdn.net/v0/v0/v5/KY/Bv.jpg)
8 img
Views: 28371 Commt: 476
Afterwards my wife said this was a great session. Thought you might like to see what she likes.
Imagine her surprise if hubby had let a few guys in while she was in that position
likes their own upload
![First pics of her](https://t.accdn.net/5E/zu/pk/AZ/J5.jpg)
4 img
Views: 16146 Commt: 305
When we get more time we will make sure to get some more pics and not be in a hurry
likes Karin23006's upload