commented on 2forfunormore's upload

1 video
Views: 3621 Commt: 52
After admiring many of you and at times getting off to several of all your videos, we figured we should post too. This was the start of a great evening. With good comments, possibly more videos and hopes of more great evenings, morning, afternoons, whenever.....

nice big tits

commented on showmywife2u's upload

20 img
Views: 10456 Commt: 42
This is White Ranch Open Space, Jefferson County Golden Colorado. Its part of Golden Gate Canyon State Park. If you were to happen upon her in the Open Space would you ask her to cover up? The law says that she only has to be clothed ONLY if someone asks her to cover up.

great body, would love to find u outside

commented on blondeBBW's upload

8 img
Views: 23712 Commt: 86
Went solo this time on business trip.Damn it was cold at night!!Met a delightful black gentleman while there,that took these photos.Met him in the hotel lounge after all day conference.didnt realize how soaked my panties were ,until up in my room I had him take a few photos for hubby back home.Ws so embarrased,but he loved it,wouldnt let me shower!!Sorry no photos of the "action",but he was married as well,and not in an open marriage,as we are.Hope you find my wet spot as arousing as he did!

very nice sexy body love those big tits and great pussy

commented on ManOfMistery's upload

very nice big clit would love to lick and suck it