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julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
Come CLOSER under my skirt
1 video
Views: 3037  Commt: 53
If you watch this you will get an impression of 1. how I would suck your dick 2. what it looks like under my short skirt fast you could make me cum and 4. the way I sound when I cum. Hope you enjoy!
julius_1  sagenhaft, aber meinen dick würdest du nur zu saugen bekommen, wenn ich dabei auch deine pussy, deine brüste lecken, zungenliebkosen dürfte und...jaaa...du wirst immer zeigegeiler, hemmungsloser

germany 10points (hattest doch schon viel besseren ton, closer) .-)
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
CLOSER's nipple rings weren't her onl...
1 video
Views: 3042  Commt: 43
....this is what happened after shooting and uploading my previous video. I was really horny, my nipples being stimulated the whole time. I shot this with my balcony door open so probably someone on the street heard me.....
julius_1  sagenhaft und...was wäre daran so schlimm, wenn dich jemand durch den balkon hätte hören können. höchstens...das er stehengebleiben wäre, dir zuzuhören :-)

germany 11points.
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
CLOSER finds pleasure in applying her...
1 video
Views: 2781  Commt: 32
God, this making me so hot and horny. The other day i was lying nude in the public swimming pool and felt so comfortable that I nearly touched myself. And today I tried the nipple rings with the pump that I ordered online the other day. Ooouh, it hurts just in the right way and now they are standing up the whole time, stimulated, making my pussy wet, while I edited the film and am writing this. I think I will have to do another video today......
julius_1  sagenhaft und...wunderbar probierfreudig. traust dich immer mehr. recht so. jetzt ein enges leichtes shirt angezogen und wieder raus in die welt. kann und soll deine vor lust und erregung festen, durch die ringe immer steifer und fester werdenden nippel durch den leichten stoff ja auch sehen ....können :-)

germany 12points
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
Closer in the shower again!
1 video
Views: 4356  Commt: 77
Hello, I'm back with a little pleasure in the shower... The water jet always gets me off quickly - and heavily. You can see me shake from orgasm in the end and might also hear a little something ;-) . What do you think?
julius_1  sagenhaft und...absolute suchtgefahr :-)

germany 12points
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
It's not just hot outside....
1 video
Views: 4961  Commt: 74
....Closer is too. A little tease for you after a long pause. Perhaps there'll follow more, give me some comments how you would like it to continue. Do you like the wet spot in my panties?
julius_1  sagenhaft und...deine zeigefreudige lust war zu groß, als du du dich uns nicht doch wieder hättest zeigen wollen. GUT SO. gerne mehr, closer :-)

germany 12points :-)
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
Closer spreads her legs
1 video
Views: 6984  Commt: 119
No big story.. I was horny and sat and came in front of the camera. Do you like my lingerie?
julius_1  sagenhaft gepflegte finger, hände...körper...gott...schön langsam die lustperle liebkosen, bis man(N) dich vor lust explodieren hört...gebe gerne zu...mittlerweile wird meine hose immer enger :-)

germany 12poinst :-)
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
A quickie with closer
1 video
Views: 17504  Commt: 137
This time I was really horny and lately I like getting off hard and quickly. I hope you enjoy. If you keep comments coming perhaps you also keep me cumming today... ;-)
julius_1  sagenhaft und...heiße dessous...schön zu sehen, zu hören, wie du immer zeigefreudiger, immer hemmungsloser und lauter wirst, closer. hall of fame :-)

germany 12points :-)
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
Closer is taking a ride...
1 video
Views: 14179  Commt: 114
...with her (almost) best friend. ; )
Hope you enjoy......... let me know what you think?
julius_1  sagenhaft und...dieser anblick, diese perspektive...dein heißes stöhnen...lässt mich träumen, du reitest mich, auf mir, closer. schön langsam, intensiv....bis zum höhepunkt.
germany 12points (obwohl noch zu viel "dreieck" auf deinem venushügel und...*fg*...gerne etwas dirty talk :-)
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
Closer in the Shower!
1 video
Views: 18331  Commt: 77
So here is how the story ends... I think you might like it. Hope that the audio stays this time, would be a shame without it.. I'm curious about your comments.
_Obviously converting didn't go so well... hope to upload a much longer version soon_
julius_1  sagenhaft und...wunderbar...endlich auch nen richtigen dildo :-) allerdings...das teilrasierte dreieck auf deinem venushügel ist (für meinen geschmack) etwas zu...breit. daher
germany...diesmal nur 11 points :-)
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
The Newest Movie
1 video
Views: 59031  Commt: 93
This time I'm just masturbating - without toy. I hope it doesn't get boring... I can only say it's worth watching it to the end.....
As alwyas: I like to read your comments.
julius_1  sagenhaft und...gott, closer...und diese süssen shirt´s, durch die du uns deine prächtigen brüste, deine vor lust und geilheit festen nippel sich durchdrückend...sehen, genießen lässt. nur zu gerne würde ich deine blitzblank rasierte , feucht glänzende lustspalte ausgiebig finger- und zungenliebkosen *hach*

klar. germany 12points :-)
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
News from Closer
1 video
Views: 59790  Commt: 49
I know it has been a long time...but here I am back again finally. Seems as if I'm starting to like that toy-thing. How about you? I like to read your comments..

PS: I'm sorry that there is no sound. Usually the vid has sound but something went wrong while uploading it I guess..
julius_1  sagenhaft und...gott, machen mich deine movies, deine pussy...dein stöhnen deine süssen titten und ...grrr...deine zunge,
germany: 12 points. :-)
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
Closer with toy..
1 video
Views: 188064  Commt: 114
Now - the first time with a toy. I took it nice and slow, I hope you enjoy it. Let me know.....
julius_1  sagenhaft und....gott, was ist erregender, geiler...dich masturbieren zu sehen, oder dich seufzen, stöhnen zu hören ?!
germany: 12 points :-)
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
Closer Strip
1 video
Views: 22107  Commt: 33
My third video.. And since many of you liked me shaking my ass: here's some more.. and also some more of how I sound..... Oh and I took a special outfit for you!
Love your comments!
julius_1  sagenhaft und...die zeit, um alle movies anzusehen, muss ich mir nehmen. WOH, aber joe cocker sagte "you can leave your HAT ON" :-)

germany: 12 points
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
Closers 2nd...
1 video
Views: 20924  Commt: 80
So guys, this is for you!
All your comments and messages made me really hot and I needed to do something with myself... I'm sorry, in the end I couldn't concentrate on holding the camera anymore but maybe you also like the sound...... - let me know!
julius_1  sagenhaft und...2007 upload und ich seh deine movies erst heute. das darf nciht sein. soooo gedankenanregend dir zuzusehen, dir zuzuhören wie du vor erregung und lust seufzt, stöhnst...
germany: 12points :-)
julius_1 commented on Closer's upload
Closers 1st VIDEO
1 video
Views: 29438  Commt: 126
I got horny yesterday and discovered the video-function at my digicam...
hope you enjoy it.
as always: comments welcome!
julius_1  sagenhaft das gedankenanregend, zuzusehen wie du deine nippel leckst...deinen muschi-finger leckst.
germany 12points :-)
julius_1 commented on chuva's upload
Sorry, that i'm not nude
1 video
Views: 3440  Commt: 31
Not nude
julius_1  sagenhaft und...ich find es super, NOT-NUDE. süsse verpackung ist doch um so gedankenanregender :-) 10 punkte :-)
julius_1 is now friends with kittySweden and 1 other person
julius_1 commented on pelana's upload
Another facial
1 video
Views: 137573  Commt: 270
Beautiful wife taking it in her face
julius_1  woh, she looks like heaven and suck´s like hell :-) ten points from germany
julius_1 commented on pelana's upload
Nice facial
1 video
Views: 36260  Commt: 79
A hot handjob and facial
julius_1  woh, what a lovely face, what a horny girl. ten points from germany :-)
julius_1 is now friends with Agilhard