KayneRyder has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 721 Commt: 4
I'm a 29 yr old Aussie bloke who enjoys sharing & celebrating the human body with likeminded individuals. Adult content creater/producer as an extra gig - Help upcoming Adult stars new to the scene create, design & produce their photography portfolio + complete an online social presence.
The style of my photography focuses on Artistic Public Nudes - Showing everything but revealing nothing whilst feeling the exhilaration of random people catching you. The freedom of both the scenery & the model creates images incomparable in a indoor staged area.
Videography I enjoy pairing up & collaborating with other stars - Helping each other gain more members & subscriptions. My specialty for content creation is focused more on of the "Niche, taboo" market - a highlight being customers can request to have their fantasies created on both video & images. This all falls under my Adult Creation Studio - Dark Forest Media.
However - I am not using this site as a means to advertise my business.
I believe everything has a time & a place - the more taboo & wrong it is - the more of a turn on it is ( with the right open minded person ).
This page is mixture of both private & work content. Just a place for me to upload perso pics to share with other like minded people and couples. I love to see NSFW pics & literally have over 100,000 images & videos of 90% women / 10% men that have not been released anywhere else on the web.
I enjoy others seeing and commenting on my pics/ being rated.
For me - being a bloke that has come from 2x 7 year long toxic relationships where I never heard a compliment of any type - The sharing & commenting of pics is my subluminal way of finding out what others think of me - good & bad. I have been conditioned over the years to think and view very lowly of myself - thus sharing no limits content with the world gives me that deep down aapproval & acknowledgment that I - without noticing or trying - want & yearn for. Which is strange - considering my personality is one to go against the grain & do opposite to everyone else - approval & acceptance being the very last thing on my mind about anything.
Yet - for my physical appearance, it's different. Crazy how certain life paths can - years & years ahead - contribute to a complex network of views, core beliefs & overall warped phycology of who one is and what they believe can acheieved,
My past relationships messed me up so much - I thought my 9"+ penis was an overall underaverage male package. Ofcourse - I have since found out I am packing an astheticlly pleasing & overall perfect large un cut love pole.
So - I have matured to the point of wanting to share & show anyone & everyone the very thing we are raised to beleive is something be ashamed of. keep covered, only let a very small amount of eyes see your skin...
It's the human body purely made with practically & life in mind rather then others warped misguided judgements of how they perceive their own body - thus how they believe you should too follow their core beliefs.
We are all different sizes - but all made up of basically the same thing. I'm a supporter of free the nipple - anyone who views breasts as a sexual only attrinution need to grow up.
My personal preferences:
I'm not Bi or Straight - I don't believe creating a larger list of labels actually acheives anything.
I am me, I like who I like regardless of their sex, race or status.
I am always down for trying new things with new people - or experiencing new ways to do old things. I would love to able to meet other couples or male/females/trans who are wanting to have in depth conversations at times along with enjoying picture & video sharing.
I'm not embarrased by anything - will openly speak about all types of sexual pleasure & different dark fantasies I want to explore.
I see sex as something 2 ( or more ) people can relate & connect on. I am not one for feelings as I see sex as something that brings two strangers together to expereince new & exciting sexual experiences. I'm that kind of bloke who will sit down and find out exactly how you like things ( foreplay, oral, toys or any of the 100's of taboo & kinky additives ).
Communication with everything is key. Every person is different with diferent likes and dislikes...So why leave it to chance and guess what each other wants?
If you can do a task better by asking - Then ask
If you can help someone - Then help
If you want something - speak up & make it known, otherwise you are wasting potential amazing experinces taht could lead to posiitive detours on your life path.
Sorry for the novel - started typing a few basic things only to still be typing 30 mins later...think I needed a vent of some sort. I appreciate you taking the time to read this description about me.
Along with being a Gemini ( Not two faced - just can always see both sides to everything & always believe the grass is greener on the other side ), living in brisbane, being single for 6 years that's about it,
I have a 9" uncut man lover & a tounge that has mastered the many techniques of oral - of which I absolutely love & get off on. I'm 189cm tall, 88kgs, goto the gym ( slack lately ), Venue Manager at a hotel & have experienced more negative & crazy shit in the previous decade then others would in several lifetimes over. Not meaning that in a comparison way to anyone else's life - simply stating I have a wise, experienced & independent personality that gets bored quite easily.
Damn - now this is turning into a Tindr description... My apologies - I think you get the overall vibes of the clearly over typing/ over sharing mental patient that is me - Kayne.
My socials:
Star Name: Kayne Ryder
Twitter: Kayne_Ryder
Img Hosting ( Hundred of pics of myself & other star collaberations )
Gmail - kayneryderoz@gmail.com
Or hmu here :)
The style of my photography focuses on Artistic Public Nudes - Showing everything but revealing nothing whilst feeling the exhilaration of random people catching you. The freedom of both the scenery & the model creates images incomparable in a indoor staged area.
Videography I enjoy pairing up & collaborating with other stars - Helping each other gain more members & subscriptions. My specialty for content creation is focused more on of the "Niche, taboo" market - a highlight being customers can request to have their fantasies created on both video & images. This all falls under my Adult Creation Studio - Dark Forest Media.
However - I am not using this site as a means to advertise my business.
I believe everything has a time & a place - the more taboo & wrong it is - the more of a turn on it is ( with the right open minded person ).
This page is mixture of both private & work content. Just a place for me to upload perso pics to share with other like minded people and couples. I love to see NSFW pics & literally have over 100,000 images & videos of 90% women / 10% men that have not been released anywhere else on the web.
I enjoy others seeing and commenting on my pics/ being rated.
For me - being a bloke that has come from 2x 7 year long toxic relationships where I never heard a compliment of any type - The sharing & commenting of pics is my subluminal way of finding out what others think of me - good & bad. I have been conditioned over the years to think and view very lowly of myself - thus sharing no limits content with the world gives me that deep down aapproval & acknowledgment that I - without noticing or trying - want & yearn for. Which is strange - considering my personality is one to go against the grain & do opposite to everyone else - approval & acceptance being the very last thing on my mind about anything.
Yet - for my physical appearance, it's different. Crazy how certain life paths can - years & years ahead - contribute to a complex network of views, core beliefs & overall warped phycology of who one is and what they believe can acheieved,
My past relationships messed me up so much - I thought my 9"+ penis was an overall underaverage male package. Ofcourse - I have since found out I am packing an astheticlly pleasing & overall perfect large un cut love pole.
So - I have matured to the point of wanting to share & show anyone & everyone the very thing we are raised to beleive is something be ashamed of. keep covered, only let a very small amount of eyes see your skin...
It's the human body purely made with practically & life in mind rather then others warped misguided judgements of how they perceive their own body - thus how they believe you should too follow their core beliefs.
We are all different sizes - but all made up of basically the same thing. I'm a supporter of free the nipple - anyone who views breasts as a sexual only attrinution need to grow up.
My personal preferences:
I'm not Bi or Straight - I don't believe creating a larger list of labels actually acheives anything.
I am me, I like who I like regardless of their sex, race or status.
I am always down for trying new things with new people - or experiencing new ways to do old things. I would love to able to meet other couples or male/females/trans who are wanting to have in depth conversations at times along with enjoying picture & video sharing.
I'm not embarrased by anything - will openly speak about all types of sexual pleasure & different dark fantasies I want to explore.
I see sex as something 2 ( or more ) people can relate & connect on. I am not one for feelings as I see sex as something that brings two strangers together to expereince new & exciting sexual experiences. I'm that kind of bloke who will sit down and find out exactly how you like things ( foreplay, oral, toys or any of the 100's of taboo & kinky additives ).
Communication with everything is key. Every person is different with diferent likes and dislikes...So why leave it to chance and guess what each other wants?
If you can do a task better by asking - Then ask
If you can help someone - Then help
If you want something - speak up & make it known, otherwise you are wasting potential amazing experinces taht could lead to posiitive detours on your life path.
Sorry for the novel - started typing a few basic things only to still be typing 30 mins later...think I needed a vent of some sort. I appreciate you taking the time to read this description about me.
Along with being a Gemini ( Not two faced - just can always see both sides to everything & always believe the grass is greener on the other side ), living in brisbane, being single for 6 years that's about it,
I have a 9" uncut man lover & a tounge that has mastered the many techniques of oral - of which I absolutely love & get off on. I'm 189cm tall, 88kgs, goto the gym ( slack lately ), Venue Manager at a hotel & have experienced more negative & crazy shit in the previous decade then others would in several lifetimes over. Not meaning that in a comparison way to anyone else's life - simply stating I have a wise, experienced & independent personality that gets bored quite easily.
Damn - now this is turning into a Tindr description... My apologies - I think you get the overall vibes of the clearly over typing/ over sharing mental patient that is me - Kayne.
My socials:
Star Name: Kayne Ryder
Twitter: Kayne_Ryder
Img Hosting ( Hundred of pics of myself & other star collaberations )
Gmail - kayneryderoz@gmail.com
Or hmu here :)

KayneRyder has uploaded a new upload

17 img
Views: 3474 Commt: 1
I call this Artistic Nudes - Showing all whilst showing nothing, loitering around innapropiate but can't be classed as NSFW.
That is the style I like to achieve. It takes time & effort to contort the models body to look normal & relaxed whilst also covering their genitals. For men a tad easier - For women I suggest on doing the same & not worrying about covering your breasts. This may come across as NSFW - but if you link it with context i.e - A woman being proud & amazed that her breasts - of which she has akways been made to feel shunned & brain washed into thinking that not covering them would be an act of defiance & breaking the laws.
Many centuries ago when the government formed it was only attended, run & monitoered by men. Most men who don't have a grasp on reality, viewed breasts as a "naughty zone" - purely due to their view of breasts being sexual item which is exactly how they viewed women at the time.
Times have changed, the world has changed. Every woman has breasts - they are a neccisity. Apart from the uneducaterd 12 yr old going through pubuerty - they shouldn't be viewed any different as to a bloke not wearing a shirt etc. They need to be normalised with the sexual stigma removed.
To add my two cents - I grew upn the usual way accompanied by porn mags when I first hit puberty. Groing up - everything from tv comercials, movies, books & general passed along knowledge or blind acceptance created by warped, manipulated social normas - Push me on a different path to what seems is 99& of every other boy & man.
Smaller the breasts - the neater & tidier they seem.
For those women out there who think ( And i know it's an extremely large portion ) they're breasts are too small, too non round etc....then please - although it's against your core values & belief system you have been moulded into - You must try to apprach the sitaution differently.
If you are small - then love who you are and what you because trust me - there will be a person out there that is head over heels for exactly how you - from head to toe.
That is the style I like to achieve. It takes time & effort to contort the models body to look normal & relaxed whilst also covering their genitals. For men a tad easier - For women I suggest on doing the same & not worrying about covering your breasts. This may come across as NSFW - but if you link it with context i.e - A woman being proud & amazed that her breasts - of which she has akways been made to feel shunned & brain washed into thinking that not covering them would be an act of defiance & breaking the laws.
Many centuries ago when the government formed it was only attended, run & monitoered by men. Most men who don't have a grasp on reality, viewed breasts as a "naughty zone" - purely due to their view of breasts being sexual item which is exactly how they viewed women at the time.
Times have changed, the world has changed. Every woman has breasts - they are a neccisity. Apart from the uneducaterd 12 yr old going through pubuerty - they shouldn't be viewed any different as to a bloke not wearing a shirt etc. They need to be normalised with the sexual stigma removed.
To add my two cents - I grew upn the usual way accompanied by porn mags when I first hit puberty. Groing up - everything from tv comercials, movies, books & general passed along knowledge or blind acceptance created by warped, manipulated social normas - Push me on a different path to what seems is 99& of every other boy & man.
Smaller the breasts - the neater & tidier they seem.
For those women out there who think ( And i know it's an extremely large portion ) they're breasts are too small, too non round etc....then please - although it's against your core values & belief system you have been moulded into - You must try to apprach the sitaution differently.
If you are small - then love who you are and what you because trust me - there will be a person out there that is head over heels for exactly how you - from head to toe.

KayneRyder has uploaded a new upload

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Views: 3519 Commt: 3
These videos have been recorded, uploaded & shared with permission from all persons in uploaded photos. To add an extra layer of assurity - I have only includes images that do not contain the face of the female partner - only mine as proof that these are original & my content to distribute.

KayneRyder has uploaded a new upload

12 img
Views: 574 Commt: 1
Just thought I'd upload a bunch of perso pics for everyone to see, interested to know what people think.