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kernowcouple commented on butterflywoman's upload
My last travel in Swizerland
10 img
Views: 30129  Commt: 172
After a good business day,, few pics of me
I was horney and try my new dress
I hope you love them and waiting your pics cum on me
kernowcouple  we think u look smashing great hair - in both places - ur dress is very suitable

ur just very neat in all ways ---------- kerry & ....Gordon who wants to c ur boobs plse

kernowcouple - we hope an attractive woman like you is not lonely - u dont derserve to be

Kerry & Gordon
kernowcouple commented on tom2430's upload
Then and now
5 img
Views: 4508  Commt: 32
Whats better ?
kernowcouple  i'd have fancied u then and certainly do now u look great
kernowcouple has uploaded a new upload
St Pirans Day -2011
7 img
Views: 2016  Commt: 3
Kerry has lost 2 stones since these (after Kids) and looks even better. Her mate Fiona in denim would like to pose -what do you think. Kerry can also mash a banana using her very strong muscles.
kernowcouple has uploaded a new upload
More from kernowcouple
8 img
Views: 3819  Commt: 9
Kerry wants 2 cocks and 2 vibrators
kernowcouple has uploaded a new upload
Our first video - enjoy
1 video
Views: 1278  Commt: 6
Kerry having a solo moment, then fuck and I cum over her backside
kernowcouple is now friends with thefly
kernowcouple likes their own upload
First time more of us soon - esp 42dd...
5 img
Views: 6242  Commt: 37
Our first shots - enjoy