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kernowgirl commented on stockingsbabexxx's upload
Hot stocking fun
20 img
Views: 44518  Commt: 214
A few pics for you of me getting naughty in my stockings and heels , i do hold the copyright so please do not re distribute them, hope you enjoy them and see my profile for more .
kernowgirl  My fella thinks your ace BUT I want to see more of your man - nice cock Fiona
kernowgirl commented on granfouryou's upload
Granny time
5 img
Views: 18051  Commt: 187
Some pix of my wife Pauline , are they to much for an elderly lady ???
kernowgirl  well done you look smashing - Fiona thinks you brave to post and my partner
Rob too
kernowgirl commented on ahcpl's upload
Blue beach sex fun by ahcpl
15 img
Views: 10235  Commt: 33
A happy couple on a sunny beach
kernowgirl  What a lovely place - where is it please ? - Rob and I would fly out now
You both have nice bodies Fiona x
kernowgirl likes oldmargomilfton's upload
The most recent pics
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Views: 60687  Commt: 283
Showing my age
kernowgirl has uploaded a new upload
Fi nand Rob are back 2 gether
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Views: 2694  Commt: 6
Last 2 pics are me in in 1979 !!!!!! before our kids - Rob and I are back together now I am so happy Fiona xx
kernowgirl commented on blondeBBW's upload
Thank you guys
7 img
Views: 31642  Commt: 218
You all have been so nice in your comments about me.Have posted on other sites,and always get at least a few people call me fat,say my butt hole looks gross,etc.You all on here give nothing but compliments,so thank you VERY MUCH!!!
kernowgirl  I dont think u look that big to call ur self bbw - have confidence in urself more -
Rob and I think u look great kernowgirl
kernowgirl has uploaded a new upload
Fiona & Kerry on Holiday
4 img
Views: 6314  Commt: 20
We went on the boat but never got out of Falmouth marina. Just clubbin and pubs
Kerry was very mucky with an unknown fella !
kernowgirl has uploaded a new upload
Fiona & Kerry are going on our holidays
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Views: 11571  Commt: 34
So we r posting some pics - we have done in a bottle or 2 already
we will post sum more after our hols xx fi & kerry
kernowgirl is now friends with paul61 and 2 other people
kernowgirl has uploaded a new upload
Kernowgirl  my kind of cock
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Views: 4949  Commt: 18
I dont want to long - just short and fat like robs - but hes not here all time

xx fiona
kernowgirl is now friends with neddd